Saturday, August 13, 2011

Garden love.

This is one day's harvest from our work garden, plus some wild-collected fruits!
On this day we collected:
-Too many (too big) zucchini
-Small yellow crookneck squash
-Baby pumpkins
-Pickling cucumbers
-Green beans
-Red bell peppers

And, we wild-collected:
-Box of elderberries!

From this so far I have made:
-The start of a batch of elderberry liqueur (takes a while--has to sit in jars; pictures to come)
-Dill pickles (pics to come)
-Zucchini yeast bread (not sweet, excellent toasted with blackberry jam!)

I will make:
-Extra tasty carrots sticks for eating raw
-Steamed green beans with butter and lemon
-Grilled squash

My coworker is also going to make pesto with the basil. Delicious!

PS This photo was taken by my coworker! Thanks!


  1. ELDERBERRIES? Damn...totally jealous.

  2. mmm it all looks wonderful! and ps, in my opinion you can never have too much zucchini :)

  3. Post to come on elderberries! And, zucchini---I used to think the same thing but I'm a little overwhelmed right now...but, it's not just zucchini but three kinds of summer squash..all in large quantities! Oh well, it's a good problem to have. :)
